We all experience turbulence and ups and downs in our lives. These "hardships" are the mold to make us who we are. When I face a challenge, it seems I am being taken away from my center and my balance. If I can remind myself that this is a blessing to teach me the art of being in balance and recreating that peaceful state for me, I have succeeded. This way challenges lose their sting. The way we see things dictates how we live. There are tools for getting back to that state of balance and zen. As a human being it brings me joy to help others to remember that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. Which is why I decided to make these tools available for those who are on the same journey in life as I. For those of us who share the same goal of learning to have gratitude and love, unconditionally, every moment in life and see every experience as a blessing, I have created an atmosphere to help reach that goal. We owe it to our self to take the step into this beautiful and peaceful realm of spirituality and polish our soul. This will not only help us but it touches all souls that come in contact with us. I'm sure we all have experienced the pleasure of coming in contact with a being whose soul is so polished and filled with light. We immediately pick up on that blissful vibration and get filled with joy. Love is contagious. If only we can remember who we are and where we come from. To remember we can meditate, contemplate, soul travel, chant sacred words, do yoga, art, anything that can quiet the mind so we can get in touch with our soul. Take the step, stop by and say hello. Do your part to grow this love. Together we can make a difference. Remember, change starts with our self. As Gandhi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world". Connecting with like-minded people helps us grow faster. Really, Love is contagious.